$ 2,673

If your friend passed you this link because he wants you to stop wearing skinny pants, it's time to listen to your friend.

If your friend passed you this link because he wants you to stop wearing skinny pants, it's time to listen to your friend.


- Soft straight

- Custom medium blue wash.
- Light whiskers wasted effect on front and back.
- Distressed effect on pocket , hem and waistband.
- Real leather jacron on the back waistband.

- Bestellungen aus Spanien dauern ca: 3-5 Arbeitstage.

- Übriges Europa ca: 4-6 Arbeitstage.

- International Bestellungen 6-10 Arbeitstage ungefähr.

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Sie haben 30 Tage ab dem Versanddatum.

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