$ 2,429

You mature when you start getting interested in the world of umbrellas, chairs, beach loungers and types of sunscreen. 
(Luckily or unluckily I'm not at that point yet, but my friend Jose (the one I haven't seen for 3 years when he started with his girlfriend) told me about it.

You mature when you start getting interested in the world of umbrellas, chairs, beach loungers and types of sunscreen. 
(Luckily or unluckily I'm not at that point yet, but my friend Jose (the one I haven't seen for 3 years when he started with his girlfriend) told me about it.

- Bestellungen aus Spanien dauern ca. 3-5 Arbeitstage.

- Übriges Europa: ca. 6-7 Arbeitstage.

- Internacional Bestellungen 6-8 Arbeitstage ungefähr.

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